Welcome to Kuřimka
Microregion Kuřimka was created on 9th February 2005 based on an agreement of villages Moravské Knínice, Chudčice, township Veverská Bitýška and town of Kuřim about a cooperation in development of all activities, especially those from the fi eld of tourist and bicycle tourism support. Its name is derived from the stream called “Kuřimka” that fl ows through all municipalities. The microregion is located north-west from the city of Brno neighbouring other microregions: Ponávka, Čebínka, Bílý Potok, Domaškovsko, Panství hradu Veveří and DSO Deblín. Thanks to various complexes of woods it creates the closest and the most signifi cant recreational area of western and northwestern part of the city of Brno.